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Streaming link to the conference: 

Localising SDGs for Built Environment & Communities:
A North-South Exchange

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24-25 November 2022,
Perth, Australia
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Co-hosted by Curtin University (Australia) & 
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Centurion University of Technology and Management (India)
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In Partnership with UNCTAD
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Journal Partner
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The Conference


What is it about?

The 2022 Global South Nexus (GSN) conference focuses on the theme of “Localising SDGs for the Built Environment and Communities”. It seeks to initiate a North-South dialogue to foster knowledge exchange and research innovation for effective practice in making cities and communities sustainable. While the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve to provide major impetus for the transition of people and the planet towards sustainability, there is an on-going debate on how the overarching vision of SDGs could be translated into the adoption of sustainability in practice. There is also a search for ways to translate the global SDG vision into local dimensions to effectively incorporate it into local planning and development priorities. In their search for equity, efficiency, safety and livability, cities around the world face massive challenges in securing funding and adopting suitable governance frameworks to develop and maintain their built environment. There is thus an urgent search for models of successful urban development that are respectful of the natural environment and that ensure the wellbeing of the community. Cities in the Global South, meanwhile, tend to face additional challenges of dealing with entrenched poverty, resource scarcity, political instability, and weak governance at the local level. On the other hand, they also tend to have effective networks of NGOs and community-based organisations with impressive track records, that have often worked with local communities to deliver innovative solutions and enhance community resilience. The SDGs call for a global partnership and north-south exchange for the diffusion of sustainability knowledge and practice within local contexts. This calls for critical debate and investigation to seek answers to many questions, such as: - How local actions could create cities that are more livable by increasing community resilience - How urban ecosystems could be integrated into a sustainable urban landscape - How co-production and partnership with communities could contribute to resilient outcomes - How sustainability indicators could be monitored for comparison and benchmarking

Conference Themes

The second international GSN conference (2022) will host case studies and commentaries on challenges and opportunities in localising SDGs in cities. Submissions are invited on topics such as (but not limited to) the following: - Local and global engagement and partnerships - Community participation and capacity building - Gender equality and women empowerment - Urban poverty and informality - Climate change adaptation & resilient communities - Sustainability and safety in the built environment - Sustainable transport and energy - Urban blue-green agenda - Net zero transition, waste management and circular economy - UNCTAD Special Theme: Understanding the environmental consequences of production and exports




Vice Chancellor,

Centurion University of Technology and Management, India

Keynote Speakers


Key Dates

1 August, 2022

25 September, 2022

30 September, 2022


15 October, 2022


1 November, 2022


24-25 November, 2022



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